How to mint

Opening the imToken APP , then going to the market page by selecting ”Market” on the navigation bar, you will find imBTC DApp on this page and can use it to purchase imBTC.

Detailed purchase steps:

  1. Switch to the ETH wallet which you want to receive imBTC in;

  2. Open the imBTC DApp and go to purchase page;

  3. Choose the BTC wallet which you want to make a transaction with and type in the number of imBTC you want to buy;

  4. Click the ”Purchase” button and you’ll see the transaction details;

  5. Input your wallet password and click ”Confirm” to send the purchase request.

While the status of BTC transaction is successful, the imBTC will automatically be sent to your ETH wallet that you set to receive imBTC. You will receive imBTC within about 60 minutes, please be patient. On the imBTC DApp homepage, you can see the all purchase records.


  1. Every single ETH address has purchase limitation which is between 0.01 to 100 BTC;

  2. A single purchase quantity exceeding 20 imBTC will trigger a manual review mechanism, which requires manual review before sending imBTC to users (manual review will be completed within 24 hours);

  3. Make sure the wallet address to receive imBTC is correct. If you want to change the address, please exit the imBTC DApp, switch to another ETH wallet then open the DApp again. Now you have changed another ETH wallet to receive imBTC;

  4. The transaction of BTC needs 6 block confirmations, it will take around 1 hour. imBTC will be sent by calling the contract after the address receive BTC, so it takes 60 minutes to receive imBTC that you purchase every time.

Last updated